Certifications completed
200HR Yoga Teacher Training with Sivananda Yoga Vidya Peetham, India 2013
Main style taught
Slow Vinyasa & Yin Yoga
Your unique style of teaching
“I don’t care about how you look, all I care about it is how you feel. Within every asana (yoga posture) there is an experience to be felt. Grounded, connected, alive, humble, strong, vulnerable”.
Other offerings
Meditation, Pranayama, Feminine Embodiment Practices
Your mentors
I’ve had many mentors in the past. Currently I’m immersed in learning and expanding through Motherhood. And in many ways, my two year old daughter Grace is my teacher.
Your favourite hobby
I love being in nature - hiking, gardening, camping.
Your guilty pleasure
I have lots of pleasures that I don’t feel guilt about! Day time baths, regular massages, and daily chocolate.
Instagram account
If you were not a teacher, what whould you be?
I’d work with children, lots of them.